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       15 Item Limit

Due to limited space, we have set into place a “15 Item Limit” for clothing items in several sizes.


The 15 item limit is for clothing only and is limited to sleepers, onesies, and onesie pants (the little pants that go over onesies.)


We will be accepting all other outfits, dresses, tops, and pants in these sizes.

The limit includes sizes

0-6 month girls,

0-6 month boys,

6-12 month girls,

and 6-12 month boys.

The limit is per size, per gender.

For example, if you have both a boy AND a girl, you may bring in fifteen 0-6 month girl sleepers/onesies AND fifteen 0-6 month boy sleepers/onesies.  


OR, if you have clothing in both sizes for one gender, you may bring in fifteen 0-6 month girl sleepers/onesies AND fifteen 6-12 month girl sleepers/onesies (or vice versa if you have a boy.)

This will help keep our racks less crowded, as well as, keep you from shopping thousands of sleepers and onesies.  


Please be considerate and bring in only your BEST items.  


Thank you for your understanding in this matter and for respecting the limit!

       How Do I Become a Consignor?

All you have to do to register as a NEW consignor is click on the link on the homepage labeled “New Consignor Registration.”  After completing a quick form, you will be given a consignor number immediately and sent a confirmation email.  Be sure to write down your password as you will need it to register for the next sale.  Also, write down your number and keep it in a safe place.  That number will be used when tagging your items and as your consignor number for ALL future sales.  Your consignor number will always remain the same.

What do I have to do as a consignor?

All you have to do is clean, hang, and tag your items.  Drop them off with us during the allotted drop-off times, shop the presale before the public, and wait for your check to be mailed directly to your home!  It’s that easy!

Advantages of Being a Consignor

As a consignor, you will receive 70% of the sale price.  You may consign any number of items; however, consign 15 or more items and you will get to shop our presale before the public allowing you first pick at all the best stuff!



Only one ticket per person.  Only ticket holders will be allowed into the presale.  Children are NOT allowed into the Worker’s Presale or the Consignor’s Presale.

When do I receive my check?

We will be distributing checks on Pick-Up Day.  If you are unable to make Pick-Up, you will receive your check in the mail within two weeks from the Monday following Pick-Up day.  Your check will be mailed directly to the address in which you register when completing the “New Consignor” form.  Please make sure to always keep your address current.  To help with the rising cost of rent, advertising, and processing fees, $20.00 will be deducted from your check.

        Preparing Your Items

All items must be in good to excellent condition, cleaned, and in working order with batteries when needed.

PRESENTATION IS EVERYTHING!! It is important to make sure that each item is presented clean and neat.  The better your items look, the more likely they are to sell!  Only bring items that you would personally purchase yourself!



  • Check your clothing items and shoes for stains, tears, holes, broken zippers, missing buttons, piling, fading, etc.  We expect your clothing to be in good to excellent condition.  Items will be pulled at check in or from the floor during the sale that do not meet the requirements.

  • Check your toy items and electronics for broken and/or missing pieces and repair or replace those items.

  • Check to make sure your item has batteries and that it works correctly.  Batteries are required so that the shopper can make sure for themselves that the item works before purchasing.  (If the item is returned for not working, the amount for the items will be deducted from your check.)

  • Check your furniture item to make sure it rocks smoothly, the drawers close properly, the cabinets close correctly, etc.



  • Spot treat and machine wash all clothing items.  Afterwards, take a minute to quickly press each item that may need it, to make it more presentable.  Hang your items immediately to keep them looking clean and freshly pressed.

  • Blankets, sheets, comforters, towels, etc. must be machine washed or dry cleaned.

  • *Toys must be cleaned and disinfected thoroughly (Magic Erasers and Clorox wipes are fabulous!!)

  • Bathtubs, pottys, Exersaucers, Jumperoos, play mats, high chairs, Bumbos, car seat, stroller, etc. must be cleaned and disinfected.  Do not bring us an item with dried spit up and food on it.  It will be removed from the floor.

  • If it is a cloth toy or an item with a removeable cover, such as a car seat, stroller, play mats, etc., make sure the toy or covers are machine washed and placed back on the item correctly.

  • Clean the dust off of your furniture item.

  • Spot treat the fabric on your furniture item.

 Consignor Presale

The consignor presale is a time for consignors ONLY to shop. 


Children or strollers will NOT be allowed into any presale. 


The presale will be held on the Wednesday night before the Paid Ticket Holder’s Presale on Thursday (see Dates & Times.) 


We reserve this time for consignors only because we feel like our consignors deserve the first rights to the sale.

If you consign 15 or more items, you will receive your ticket to the presale during drop-off. You MUST present this ticket to enter the presale. Only one ticket per consignor number will be issued. Only one person per ticket will be allowed into the presale. 


No guests allowed. 

Please understand that husbands or mothers will not be allowed unless they are a registered consignor with their own presale ticket.  However, it is up to your discretion who you would like to use your ticket. 


For example, if you will be unavailable for the presale and would like for your mother to shop for you or would just like to pass your ticket on to a friend, that is absolutely fine.  


We want our consignors to have every opportunity at first pick.

We suggest being early as shoppers waiting to shop the Consignor’s  Presale will begin lining up several hours prior to the doors opening at 5:00 PM. 


If you are coming really early, you may want to bring a lawn chair.

We also suggest bringing a basket of some sort to hold your items while you shop. 


It makes it a little easier if you tie a rope or belt to your basket in order to “pull” your basket around the building. 


Shopping carts will not be available at our new location.

NO children will be allowed into the Consignor’s Presale! During this presale, more people will be shopping at one time than at any other time during the sale.  It can become very crowded very quickly.  Consider it “Mom’s Night Out!”  This will be a time for you to enjoy shopping for your children…without your children!

       Pricing & Discounting Your Items


How should I price my items?

  • Price your items to sell! When you are pricing your items, it is smart to price as if you are the buyer and not the seller.  Most of the shoppers really know the brands and their prices, so be reasonable.  Consider both the brand and the condition of your garment and price accordingly.  Look at each item and ask yourself what you would pay for that item in the condition that it is in.

  • Remember why you are doing Sweet Pea Swap…to clean out your house and/or closet and to make money.  You can’t do either of those if you price your items too high.  You will be going home with the items you were trying to get rid of AND with no money.

  • Clothing is best priced at 1/4 to 1/3 or 20%-30% of the original retail price.

  • Items that are new with the tags still attached do sell at a higher price, more like 50% of retail, but will not sell for full retail price. 

  • All items must start at a price of $1.00. Nothing will be sold for less than $1.00. After that, prices must be in 50 cent increments, such as $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, etc.

  • DO NOT price any item for “FREE.”


On the final two days of the sale, all remaining items will be reduced to 25% and 50% off…unless you choose otherwise. This is done to increase sales of the remaining items and it gives you less to take home.  However, we do allow you the option to choose what item(s) you want sold at the discount price.  When creating your tags, you will choose whether or not you want a specific item discounted. 


If you choose to discount your item, it will be sold at 25% off on Sunday and 50% off on Monday.  If you choose to not discount your item, the item will remain on the sales floor, but it will be sold at full price.  If you do not want to take items home, it is best to allow them to be sold at the discount price.  Remember, it is best to make less profit, than none at all!

       DATES & TIMES      



Consignor registration is open.

Worker registration is open.

Both consignor and worker registration will close at midnight on Wednesday, February 19th.



Thursday, February 20th 

4:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Friday, February 21st

10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Saturday, February 22nd

10:00 AM – 6:00 PM





Tuesday, February 25th

9 Hour Worker – 3:00 PM

6 Hour Workers – 5:00 PM

3 Hour Workers – 7:00 PM





Wednesday, February 26th

5:00 PM – 10:00 PM


Children and strollers ARE welcome at the Paid Ticket Holder’s Presale

Tickets are $10.00 each.

Tickets can be purchased on location anytime during drop-off and at the door the night of the presale.

Thursday, February 27th

5:00 PM – 9:00 PM


Children and strollers ARE welcome at the New Mommy’s Presale

Friday, February 28th

9:00 AM



Children and strollers ARE welcome at the public sale

Friday, February 28th 

10:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Saturday, March 1st

10:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Sunday, March 2nd – 25% OFF DAY 

1:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Monday, March 3rd – 50% OFF DAY 

10:00 AM – 7:00 PM


Thursday, March 6th

10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

       Drop-Off & Pick-Up Info



  • You may drop-off your items at any time during the allotted drop-off hours (see Dates & Times).


  • Please have your items tagged and ready upon arriving.  Unfortunately there will NOT shopping carts available at our new location; however, we will have a few rolling racks and loading carts.


  • Be prepared for a short wait as we quickly look through your items to ensure the quality of our sale. As we are screening your items, we are looking to make sure they are in excellent condition with no stains, no holes, no tears, no broken zippers, no missing buttons, no fading, no piling, no odors, etc.  We are also making sure they have been tagged, pinned/taped, and are hanging properly.  Once your items have been inspected, you will be given a check in sheet and your items that were not accepted.  Please do not take this personally or get offended if we return some of your items to you.  Bad items can give us a bad name and we want our sale to be the absolute best it can be!  Sweet Pea Swap reserves the right to refuse any item for any reason.

  • YOU will then be asked to place your items in the designated area on the sales floor.  In order to save time and speed the process for yourself, it would be extremely helpful if you would have your items sorted by gender and size prior to entering drop-off.  There will be helpers on the sales floor to assist you and to direct you to the appropriate section.  REMEMBER:  Your items will not sell if they are placed in the wrong area. There will be a children’s area for your child to watch TV as you put your items on the sales floor.

  • Finally, once you have placed your items on the sales floor, you will check in at the blue desk at the front of the building.  This is super important because this is when the computer sets up your account for the sale.  If your account is not found when we begin selling, we will not know who to give the money to for your sold items.

  • Once you are checked in, you will receive your ticket to the Consignor’s Presale or to the Worker’s Presale, if you are a worker. You MUST present this ticket to enter the presale.  Only one ticket per consignor number will be issued.  Only one person per ticket will be allowed into the presale.  We reserve this time for consignors only because we feel like our consignors deserve the first rights to the sale.

  • The presale will be held the night before the sale opens to the public (see Dates & Times.)  Please note that NO children will be allowed in the Consignor Presale.  Also, husbands nor mothers will be allowed unless they are a registered consignor with their own ticket.


  • If for some reason, you leave drop-off without checking in or getting your ticket, you are welcome to back anytime during drop-off hours and we will assist you.

  • If you are unable to make Drop-Off, you may have a friend drop off your items for you.  Please do not ask to come before or after the allotted drop-off times. We are very busy in the hours leading up to drop-off and it is difficult for us to stop for early drop-offs.  After drop-off, we are super busy trying to organize and prepare the building for the upcoming sale.



  • Pick-Up is always the Thursday after the sale is over on that Monday, 10:00-6:00. (See Dates & Times for an exact date.)

  • All of your unsold items will be sorted back into your individual consignor number.  The numbers will be in order so that you can easily locate your items.  The items you chose to donate when creating your tags, will not be with your unsold items.

  • You have the choice to do one of three things when picking up your items. One, you can leave all of your items to donate. (You will just leave your items in your provided space.)  Two, you can take some of your items home and leave some of your items to donate.  (You will just leave your items in your provided space.)  Three, you can take all of your items home. Items left when we close the doors at 6:00 will be donated to Hope Village in Meridian.

  • Due to us renting the building for only a short time, we are not able to hold items passed the allotted pick-up day.  If you want your unsold items and see that you will not be able to pick-up your items during that time, please call a friend to pick up your items for you. Please do not email, message, call, or text us to hold your items or meet you after hours. If you are not able to pick up your items or have a friend pick them up for you, all items left will become property of Sweet Pea Swap at 6:00 and will be donated to Hope Village.

  • Checks will also be available at Pick-Up. Unless otherwise notified from YOU through email or a Facebook message, we will only give checks to the registered consignor. If you are unable to make Pick-Up to get your check, checks will be mailed to you within two weeks after the Monday following Pick-Up.

        What To Sell, What Not To Sell, and Unaccepted Items





Clothing Guidelines

All items must be of good quality and in excellent condition. We want you to feel certain that you are buying the best at Sweet Pea Swap!  We would like to focus our sale on boutique and name brand clothing at discount prices.  Discount center brands (i.e. Target, Wal-Mart, K-Mart) will only be accepted in PERFECT condition and if they are priced appropriately.  Sweet Pea Swap reserves the right to refuse any item at any time for any reason.

Check for stains, holes, torn hemlines, broken zippers, smoke/pet smell, etc. and please repair or remove those particular items.  All items will be screened during drop-off and any unacceptable items will be returned to the consignor.  We reserve the right to refuse any items or remove any items from the floor at any time during the sale that we feel are not acceptable. Please do not be offended if we do not accept some of your items.  This process will help to maintain the quality of our sale.  Considering the space, please choose only your best items!

Only clothing items relating to the current season (Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer) will be accepted. For example, swim suits will not be accepted at the Fall/Winter sale; Halloween costumes will not be accepted at the Spring/Summer sale.  Due to the warm weather here in Mississippi, short sleeve shirts will be accepted at the Fall/Winter sale.  Jeans/pants are worn year round and will be accepted at both sales.  Most onesies will be accepted at both sales.  Mainly because most infants and babies wear them under their clothing during the winter.  We do ask that you keep onesies that are specific to spring/summer (beach scenes, spring flowers, etc.) or fall/winter (snow scenes, Halloween/Christmas, etc.) for that specific sale.

DUE TO LIMITED SPACE, THERE IS A “15 ITEM LIMIT” PER SIZE, PER GENDER ON ALL 0-6 and 6-12 MONTH sleepers, onesies, and onesie pants (the little pants that go over the onesies.)  We will accept all regular tops, pants, dresses, and outfits.  See the “15 Item Limit” tab in the drop down menu under “Consignors” for a more detailed explanation.  Please consider our space and the quality of our sale, and CONSIGN ONLY YOUR BEST ITEMS!


Children’s clothing includes all boys and girls clothing sizes newborn to juniors.  Don’t forget items such as pajamas, coats, Halloween costumes, dress-up clothes, ski wear, club uniforms, school uniforms, and gym/dance wear.  NO adult clothing! NO used underwear! Only unused underwear sealed in the original package will be accepted.


Please submit only shoes in excellent condition.  Check for broken buckles, missing laces, visible scuff marks or signs of wear, torn soles, holes, smelly shoes, etc. and please repair or remove those items.  Shoes include sizes newborn to juniors.  No adult shoes.



Don’t forget the accessories!! Clothing accessories includes, but are not limited to, children’s belts, hats, socks, bows, and barrettes.



We are no longer accepting maternity clothing.

However, we are still accepting all maternity accessories including, maternity bras, breast pumps, maternity pillows, etc. .


Items (other than clothing) Guidelines

All items MUST be in working condition with batteries when required. Check for broken pieces and missing parts and repair or remove these items.  Wash all cloth coverings and clean and disinfect all items.



Infant and child accessories include, but are not limited to, things such as diaper bags, bouncy seats, exersaucers, swings, strollers, bath tubs, monitors, high chairs, potty chairs, safety gates, guardrails, burp cloths, changing pads, bibs, baby bottles (no nipples please), breast pumps, etc.  Children’s accessories and décor such as picture frames, wall hangings, wooden letters for wall, etc. and children’s furnishings such as linens, comforters, bumper pads, bed skirts, blankets, pillows, etc.


Toys are a great seller!!  Most all toys will sell if priced reasonably. Also, the cleaner they are, the better they sell!!

All toys MUST include all parts and be in working condition with batteries. It is extremely important that you submit only toys that contain all pieces and are in working order (must included batteries if needed.)  (Dollar Tree selss batteries for $1.00 per pack.)  If your toy is purchased by a customer and then reported to us that it did not include all pieces/parts (and was not mentioned on the tag) and/or was not in working order, the amount of the toy will be deducted from your check.

Toys include, but are not limited to, inside toys of all sizes including kitchen sets (big seller), dolls, books, and outside toys such as large play sets (big seller), plastic playground items (big seller), slides, swings, bicycles, wagons, riding toys, sports equipment, etc.  Toys may also include children’s CDs, children’s DVDs, children’s cassettes, computer games, video games, etc.  We will accept battery operated/interactive stuffed animals, but NO regular stuffed animals please! Also, NO Happy Meal or Dollar Tree toys!


Only car seats manufactured within the past 5 years will be accepted.  The car seat must not have been in an accident or recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.  


You as the seller are responsible to find out if your item is under any type of recall. 

Please check the CPSC website at or call 1-800-424-9393 before bringing your item to the sale.  If an item is turned in and under recall, it will be disposed of without notice to you and you will lose the sale and profit of your item.  Wash cloth coverings and straps and clean and disinfect all items.


Children’s and household furniture will be accepted.  ALL items MUST be clean and in excellent condition. We will not accept old, worn-out, smelly furniture.

Sellers are responsible for all furniture being unloaded and assembled. If you are consigning something that is big and/or heavy, please be sure that you have someone available to help you unload your item(s).  You may bring your item to drop-off assembled or you may assemble it there in the building.  However, if your item needs to be assembled, please make sure that you have the required tools with you.  We will NOT have any tools on location.  If you do not want to assemble your item(s), we suggest that you have an available picture of the item put together so that the buyer can see exactly what they are purchasing.

ALL baby furniture MUST meet the requirements of the Consumer Protection Safety Commission (  




Check the following to see if your crib meets the requirements:

Baby furniture includes, but is not limited to, cribs/baby beds, pack-n-plays, bassinets, changing tables, children’s tables, children’s chairs, toy boxes, toddler beds, rocking chairs/gliders, etc.

Household furniture includes, but is not limited to, couches, chairs, recliners, kitchen table/chairs, ottomans, coffee tables, side tables, chests, beds, bedside tables, chest-of-drawers, armoires, bookshelves, TV stands, desks, outdoor patio furniture, etc.


Sweet Pea Swap is a sale for children’s items only; however, we will accept newer model, working computers, TVs, DVD players and VCRs.  It is extremely important that you submit only electronics that contain all pieces and are in working order.  If your item is purchased by a customer and then reported to us that it did not include all pieces/parts (and was not mentioned on the tag) and/or was not in working order, the amount of the item will be deducted from your check.


The items listed above are suggested items for your reference.  Please feel free to add any other items you may have as long as it relates to children or parenting.


We reserve the right to refuse any item. Unaccepted items include, but are not limited to, car seats older than 5 years, drop-down cribs, recalled items, adult clothing that is not maternity, adult shoes, worn out clothing with tears or stains, clothing with smoke or pet odors, used underwear, baby food, formula, diapers, used nipples, used pacifiers, used sippy cups, battery operated items without batteries, stuffed animals, McDonald’s or Burger King toys, and toys with missing or broken pieces and/or not in working order.

ROCK ‘n' PLAY SLEEPERS – All Rock ‘n Play sleepers have been recalled and will no longer be accepted.


BUMBO BABY SEATS WITHOUT SAFETY BELT – All Bumbo seats have been recalled and will not be accepted without the restraint belt and new safety warning.  You may order a “free” repair kit at  The repair kit includes:  a restraint belt with a warning label, installation instructions, safe use instructions, and a new warning sticker.


DROP DOWN CRIBS – Drop down cribs will not be accepted.

Check to see if your item has been recalled.

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