Our system is not set up to do the barcode label orders.
Barcode label orders is when you order barcodes, we receive the order, and then have your labels printed and waiting on you when you arrive at drop off.
Our system is not set up to do this. If you send us an order, we will not receive it and your labels will not be printed.
(Also, if you send us an order by accident, do not worry about it because we will never receive it or see it.)
Your two options for printing barcodes is to print them yourself in your home or to complete a Barcode label order form (found above) and we print your labels for you on site when you arrive at drop off.
If you have decided to hand write your tags and pick up your labels from us at drop off, you may do this at any time during drop off hours at the check in table. It is surprisingly quick and easy. Be sure to bring in your completed Barcode Label Order Form, as this will speed up the process.
The cost is a $5.00 flat fee for any amount of labels. Cash only will be accepted as credit card machines are not set up during drop off. It would be very helpful if you brought in exact change.
Your barcode labels will need to be attached to your tags BEFORE dropping your items off with us. You can return home to do this, you may do this in the parking lot, or you may stay in the building to do it. However, if you choose to do it in the building, we ask that you move away from the check in area as it causes it to be over crowded and chaotic.
Items Needed
Hangers – We prefer wire adult hangers for all clothing items; however, plastic kid hangers may be used for clothing size 4 and under. Any clothing items size 5 and up are required to be on an adult size hanger. If using plastic hangers, kid or adult, we will only accept the kind sold in a bundle, from places such as Walmart, Dollar General, Target, etc. Plastic hangers from clothing stores (the kind that are on your garment when you purchase it from a store) will not be accepted. No Mud Pie hangers.
3X5 index cards for HANDWRITTEN tags – Index cards must be this specific size.
No smaller.
Black or blue pen or Sharpie - Used to write the size and description of the item.
NO RED INK. (Red ink will be used to mark your item for donation.)
Clear packing tape – Used to attach tags to items other than clothing. (We suggest using painter’s tape to tape tags to furniture or any item where the tape might remove the finish or a sticker and ruin the item.)
Ziploc bags – used for small items and/or toy parts
Duct Tape – used to reinforce tags when tagging shoes
Red Sharpie or marker - used to mark your item for donation
Hole punch - used to place a hole in your tags for zip ties
Zip/cable ties – used to attach your tags to shoes and various other items that will not allow a tag to be attached with tape. Used to secure shoes together to make sure they do not become separated. They can also be used to attach jeans and pants to hanger instead of using safety pins
Painter’s Tape - used to attach tags to furniture or other items where the tape may tear off a finish or sticker and ruin the item
Masking Tape – used to add your consignor number and price to your items just in case your tag becomes misplaced. This will allow us to enter your information by hand and still sell your item – For example, in the neck of a shirt, on the bottom of shoes, or on the under side of a toy or electronic.
NEW CONSIGNOR – If you are a new consignor, click on the “New Consignor Registration” link on the homepage to register. You will be given a consignor number immediately. Keep your consignor number and login information in a safe place. You will need it for all future sales.
RETURNING CONSIGNOR – If you are a returning consignor, your consignor number is the same as past sales; however, you must still register for the upcoming sale by clicking on the “Returning Consignor Login” link on the homepage. This is very important. Registering as a returning consignor is how our computer system sets up your account so that we are able to pay you for your sold items.
There are two ways that tags can be created. Option 1 is printing your barcoded tags at home on your own computer. Option 2 is handwriting your tags at home and then later adding a barcode label that we print for you at drop-off. There is a small cost for Option 2. See each option below for greater details.
When choosing to PRINT your tags, you are printing them, with the barcode, at home, from your own computer. These tags MUST be printed on white cardstock. PAPER TAGS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Color cardstock can affect the scanning process, so it will not be accepted. Each page will consist of 6 vertically printed tags. Please do not change the size or layout of the tags.
1. Click the “Returning Consignor Login” under Consignor Links on our homepage.
2. Login in using your consignor number and password.
3. Click on “My Homepage.”
4. Click on the gray “Menu” bar and then click “Barcode Labels/Tags” in the drop down menu.
5. Fill in the price you want printed on the barcode(s). Prices must start at $1.00 and must be in .50 cent increments after that. Example: $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, etc.
6. Fill in the number of labels you want printed at that particular price.
7. Choose “Yes” or “No” to discounting your items. The discount will be 25% off on Sunday of the public sale and 50% off on Monday of the public sale. In the past, you were able to choose if you wanted your item to be discounted at only one discount or at both; however, we are unable to offer that choice when using barcodes. If you choose for your item to be discounted, it will be discounted at BOTH 25% off AND 50% off. If you choose to not discount your item, it will not be discounted at either discount.
8. Click “Submit Barcode.”
9. At this point, you can continue creating more tags or you can stop and print. If you would like to create more tags, repeat steps 1-8 to create tags for each different price point and/or discount that you need. If you are done creating tags for now, move to step 10. If you are done for now, you can go back and create more at any time.
10. After you are finished creating all the tags you need for this session, click “Submit Barcode Order.”
11. Click the “Display Barcode Labels for Printing” link in the middle of the page. For some reason, this link is not highlighted like a normal link, but you can click on it. (That is part of our computer system, so it is out of our control.) This will bring up a picture of your barcoded tags.
12. Once the picture of your tags is uploaded, you will print your tags however you would print a normal document from your personal computer. This will print your barcoded tags at 6 vertical tags per page. REMEMBER, these MUST be printed on white cardstock. NO paper and NO color cardstock will be accepted. Paper is too fragile and will tear and colored cardstock can affect the scanning process. Also, please do not change the layout of the tags. You can print as many or as few as you would like.
Check to make sure your barcodes are not blurry. They need to be sharp, with good white space between each bar. Otherwise, they will not scan.
DO NOT print any tags double sided. If you mess up, you will need to use a new, clean piece of cardstock. Double sided tags can affect the scanning process, as well as, confuse us on which side is the correct tag.
Tags usually print better in smaller batches.
Let the preview picture of your tag sheet load completely before printing.
DO NOT write over any of the information included in your barcode. If your price or discount is wrong, you must print a new tag in order for the barcode to recognize the change.
13. Write the size of the item on your tag. After printing your tags, using a black or blue pen or Sharpie, write the size of the item on the right hand side of the tag, above the description box and directly across from the consignor number. Please do not use colored ink.
14. Write a detailed description of your item in the description box. Using a black or blue pen or Sharpie, write a detailed description of your item in the description box. A detailed description is more than just “yellow dress.” A detailed description includes the brand, a color and description of the pattern on the item, what the item is exactly, and if it includes more than one piece. For example, “Matilda Jane blue polka dot, yellow flower print, and pink stripe 2 piece short set with ruffle bottom.” If your tag were to become misplaced, the detailed description helps us match your tag and your item back together and return it to the sales floor.
15. Mark your item for donation. If your item does not sell and you would like for it to be donated, using a red Sharpie or marker, write a red X with a circle around it in the center of the tag, just above the description box and in between the consignor number and size. This will help us tremendously when sorting items after the sale is over. If you forget to mark an item or change your mind and decide you want to donate an item you did not mark, you will still have the option to donate your items at pick up. However, by marking your item ahead of time, it will save us from having to sort the item and we can add it directly to the donate section.
16. Cut your tags apart and attach to your items. See below for more instructions on attaching your tag.
* Please note there is a small charge for this option. The cost is a $5.00 per 100 labels. Cash only, as the credit card machines are not set up during drop off.
If you do not have a printer at home or you prefer to make your own tags, you have the option to handwrite your tags and and then add the barcoded labels to your index cards at drop off. When handwriting your tags, you will create your tags on index cards following the detailed instructions below. Next, you will prepare your Barcode Label Order Form (you can find the link in Step 9 below) and bring your form to us at drop off. We will then print out your barcoded labels and give them to you on site.
The cost is $5.00 per 100 labels. It must be cash only as the credit card machines are not set up during drop off. After receiving your labels, you will add them to your tags at home or in your car before dropping off your items with us. ALL items MUST have a barcoded tag or label or the item will not be sold.
1. Gather your 3×5 index cards and turn them vertically (up and down.) Cards MUST be 3×5. Any cards smaller than 3×5 will not be accepted.
2. Mark your item for donation. If your item does not sell and you would like for it to be donated, using a red Sharpie or marker, write a red X on the top left hand corner of your tag. This will help us tremendously when sorting items after the sale is over. If you forget to mark an item or change your mind and decide you want to donate an item you did not mark, you will still have the option to donate your items at pick up. However, by marking your item ahead of time, it will keep us from having to sort the item and we can add it directly to the donate section.
3. Write the gender and size of the garment in the top right corner of your tag. Write the gender on top and list the size directly under.
4. Write a detailed description of your item in the middle section of the card. Using a black or blue pen or Sharpie, write a detailed description of your item in the middle of the card. Your barcoded label will go under your description, as well as, the consignor number and price will be handwritten on the very bottom of the card, so be sure to leave enough room for your label and the handwritten information when writing your description.
A detailed description is more than just “yellow dress.” A detailed description includes the brand, a color and description of the pattern on the item, the material (fleece, corduroy, seersucker, etc.), the type of outfit (short sleeve shirt, dress, pants, etc.), and if it includes more than one piece.
Also, be sure and tell if your item is “NEW” or only worn a few times. For example, “Matilda Jane blue polka dot, yellow flower print, and pink stripe 2 piece short set with ruffle bottom.” If your tag were to become misplaced, the detailed description helps us match your tag and your item back together and return it to the sales floor. Your item can not sell sitting on the “No Tag” table.
5. You will place your barcode label directly under the description. You will not receive your barcode label until drop off, so be sure and leave enough space for your label. There will also be information written on the very bottom of the card, so leave space for that as well.
6. Write your consignor number on the very bottom left hand corner of the card. Your barcode label will go above that information, so be sure to keep it as close to the bottom as possible. It is does not have to be very big. This information will only be used if your label is missing or will not scan.
7. In the bottom middle of the card, you will write “D” if you want your item discounted or “ND” if you do not want your item discounted. Your barcode label will go above that information, so be sure to keep it as close to the bottom as possible. Your discount will be noted on your label, but you will need to note it here as well just in case your label comes off or it is not readable. With your information listed, we can hand enter your information and still sell your item. It does not have to be very big. This information will only be used if your label is missing or will not scan.
8. Write your price on the very bottom right corner of the card. Your barcode label will go above that information, so be sure to keep it as close to the bottom as possible. We ask that you do this for two reasons. One, it will help you know what price label to add to your tag since you will be doing this at a later time. Second, if for some reason your label were to peel off or become unreadable, we can enter your info by hand so that we can still sell your item. It does not have to be very big. This information will only be used if your label is missing or will not scan.
9. When you have completed all of your tags and attached them to your items, you will need to do a count of how many of each label you need at each price point for discounted items and how many of each label you need at each price point for items that will not be discounted. You can use a simple piece of paper to create your list or you can print and use our Barcode Label Order Form. There is a form for DISCOUNTED labels and a separate form for NO DISCOUNT labels. You can print the order form here, Barcode Label Order Form.pub.
10. Bring your Barcode Label Order Form with you to drop off. We will use your form to print your labels for you there on site. You will then attach your labels to your handwritten tags before dropping them off with us. You can do this at home and return later to drop off or you can do it there at drop off. Our building is large and spacious, so there is room for you to add your labels inside; however, you will need to move away from the check in area. This way, the entry and check in areas are not clogged and we can move everyone through smoothly and quickly.
*Attach the tag to the garment using a SAFETY PIN only. Straight pins and clothes pins will NOT be accepted. They are not secure enough to last throughout the sale.
*Choose the appropriate size pin according to the fabric. Large, jumbo size pins should only be used in items that have very thick, such as jeans, pants, shorts, etc. Medium size pins should be used in items that are made of a material like, or similar to, cotton, such as T-shirts, button up shirts, sweatshirts, etc. Small pins should be used on items that have thinner, more delicate fabric, such dresses, rompers, dress shirts, etc. (SMALL PINS ONLY IN MATILDA JANE, WELL DRESSED WOLF, SWEETHONEY, ETC.)
This is EXTREMELY important because pins can cause small holes that can later turn into big holes.
*When your item is hanging on the hanger – with the hook part of the hanger looking like a question mark – and you are looking at the front of the garment, your tag should be on the RIGHT side. Not to confuse you, but another way to look at is, if you were to physically put the garment on your body, the tag would be on your left shoulder. However, when the garment is hanging on the hanger correctly, you are looking at the tag on the right shoulder area. When you are shopping, and looking at the clothing items on the rack, the tag should be closest to the outside, making it very easy and convenient to see.
*Be extremely careful where you choose to place the safety pin. REMEMBER: Pins can cause small holes that can later turn into big holes. Carefully choose a place that will not damage the clothing; in a tag, in a seam, or in the collar is usually best. Be extra careful with your very thin, delicate fabrics such as Matilda Jane, Well Dressed Wolf, and SweetHoney. The tag is usually the best place for these brands.
*ALL clothing items must be on a hanger. We prefer wire adult hangers for all clothing items; however, plastic kid hangers may be used for clothing size 4 and under. Any clothing size 5 and up MUST be on an adult hanger. If using plastic hangers, kid or adult, only the kind sold in a bundle, from places such as Walmart, Dollar General, Target, etc., will be accepted. Plastic hangers from clothing stores (the kind that are on your garment when you purchase it from a store) will not be accepted. NO MUD PIE HANGERS.
*15 Item Limit – Before we begin, please note that due to limited hanging space, there is a “15 Item Limit” in sizes 0-6 months and 6-12 months. The 15 item limit is only limited to sleepers, onesies, and onesie pants (the little pants that go over onesies.) We will be accepting all other outfits, tops, and pants in these sizes. The limit includes 0-6 month girls, 0-6 month boys, 6-12 month girls, and 6-12 month boys. It is per size and per gender. For example, if you have both a girl and a boy, you may bring in 15 sleepers/onesies for 0-6 month girls AND 15 sleepers/onesie for 0-6 month boys. OR, if you have clothing in both sizes for one gender, you may bring in 15 sleepers/onesies for 0-6 month girls AND 15 sleepers/onesies for 6-12 month girls.
*ALL clothing items, including onesies, MUST be on a hanger.
*When placing items on the hanger, place the item so that the hanger hook is facing left. The hanger should look like a question mark.
*All clothing size 5 and up MUST be on an adult hanger. We prefer wire adult hangers for all clothing items; however, plastic kid hangers may be used for clothing size 4 and under. If using plastic hangers, kid or adult, only the kind sold in a bundle, from places such as Walmart, Dollar General, Target, etc., will be accepted. Plastic hangers from clothing stores (the kind that are on your garment when you purchase it from a store) will not be accepted. NO MUD PIE HANGERS.
*If you use the appropriate size hanger, your item should be secure. However, there are some items, such as those with wide necks, that just will not stay on the hanger, even if it is the appropriate size. Be sure and secure those type of garments with the smallest safety pins possible. Do not use the large, jumbo pins to do this. It leaves huge holes in the shoulders and will ruin the item. If the item fits the hanger and is secure, please avoid using safety pins. The more pins used, the more holes there will be.
*All clothing items must be hanging and on the appropriate size hangers. If you use the appropriate size hanger, your item should be secure. However, there are some items, such as those with wide necks, that will just not stay on the hanger, even if it is the appropriate size. Be sure and secure those garments with the smallest safety pins possible. Do not use the large, jumbo pins to do this. Large pins will leave huge holes in the shoulders and will ruin the item. If the item fits the hanger and is secure, please avoid using safety pins. The more pins used, the more holes there will be.
*We prefer wire adult hangers for all clothing items; however, plastic kid hangers may be used for clothing size 4 and under. Any clothing size 5 and up MUST be on an adult hanger. If using plastic hangers, kid or adult, only the kind sold in a bundle, from places such as Walmart, Dollar General, Target, etc., will be accepted. Plastic hangers from clothing stores (the kind that are on your garment when you purchase it) will not be accepted. NO MUD PIE HANGERS.
*Onesies must be on a hanger. Onesies DO NOT sell in Ziploc bags and will not be accepted. When selling onesies, we ask that you sell them as you bought them. If you bought the onesie individually, you can sell it alone. If you bought the onesie in a pack, we ask that you sell them in a bundle. For example, if you bought a pack of 3 onesies, we ask that you sell all 3 onesies together for one price. You should hang all 3 onesies on one hanger with only one tag.
*All pant like items must be hanging on a hanger; NOT folded over the hanger like dry cleaning. Using large jumbo safety pins, stick the safety pin through the waistband and to the TOP portion of a regular hanger. (See the “Tag Placement” picture below.) Pant clip hangers or clothes pins will not be accepted. When pants are pinned to the bottom of the hanger, they slide back and forth and are hard to handle; therefore, it is extremely important to pin pants to the TOP of the hanger. Do not use small safety pins to hang pants. The pants are too heavy and the pins pop off, causing the pants to end up on the floor OR the pins are so small, you can not get them undone to remove the pants.
*If you do not have large jumbo pins, you can use zip ties to attach your pants to the hanger. All you have to do is loop the zip tie through a belt loop (one on the left side and one on the right side), around the TOP angled portion of the hanger, and tighten. Zip ties are actually more secure than the pins because they will not pop off during the sale.
*You may place both items to an outfit on one hanger. The shirt with the tag should be placed on the hanger as usual. Turn the shirt around and lay face down. Lay the pants, facing up, on top of the shirt. (When you are looking at the front of the outfit, you should be looking at the front of the shirt. When you turn the hanger around and are looking at the back of the outfit, you should be looking at the front of the pants.) Pin the pants, through the waistband, to the TOP of the hanger. You will do this through the open neck of the shirt. MAKE SURE THE PANTS ARE ATTACHED TO THE HANGER. DO NOT pin the pants to the shirt. If you pin the pants to the shirt, and not the hanger, the pants will pull down on the shirt and the pins will create holes in the shirt. ALWAYS pin to the hanger – NEVER to a clothing item. You may also place more than two items on one hanger (i.e. a set of three onesies that were bought together in a pack) for one price as long as the buyer is able to easily examine each piece. Do not try to hide stains by placing pants under the shirt. If these are found, they will be pulled from the sales floor.
Tag Placement
*Shoes MUST be secured together with zip ties or curling ribbon. This is now a requirement for your shoes to be accepted. Please do not use any other type of ribbon or rope as, over time, these can loosen, come undone, and cause the shoes to be separated.
*Using a zip tie or curling ribbon, connect the pair of shoes together through a shoe lace hole, a loop on the heel, or through a strap that cannot be adjusted. Make sure your curling ribbon is tied in a knot and not a bow. If there is not an area to loop through, turn the shoes sole to sole or back to back. Tightly wrap your zip tie or curling ribbon around the middle of the shoes to secure them together. If needed, you may use more than one zip tie.
*You will also attach your tag with a zip tie or curling ribbon. First, you will need to reinforce your tag with duct tape. Fold a piece of duct tape over the top middle portion of your tag. (Be sure you don’t cover up the donate mark or the sizing.) Using a hole punch, punch a hole in the duct tape for your zip tie or curling ribbon. Through the hole, using your zip tie or curling ribbon, attach your tag to the shoes. The duct tape is super important. Without the duct tape, it is almost guaranteed your tag will come off.
*Using this connection method, shoes do not have to be in Ziploc bags. Until we come across more room, shoes will be placed in large swimming pools for people to go through. If you have shoes that could possibly get scuffed or beat up from rubbing against other shoes in the pool, you may want to place them in a Ziploc bag. However, the shoes still need to be connected together and the tag still needs to be attached to the shoes using a zip tie or curling ribbon. Do not attach your tag to the bag.
*We suggest writing your consignor number, price, and discount on a small piece of masking tape and adding it to the bottom of both shoes. That way, if the tag is lost, we can refer to the information on the shoes, make a new tag, and return your item to the floor. We DO NOT sell items without tags, so this will ensure that your item is on the floor and available to be sold. This is only a suggestion; not a requirement.
*When using Ziploc bags, place the tag on the OUTSIDE of the bag and secure the ENTIRE tag with CLEAR PACKING TAPE. We are no longer cutting tags, so you can now tape the top AND bottom portion of the tag, making it more secure. The barcode will be scanned, so the barcode needs to be visible. Try to make your tape covering the barcode as smooth as possible. If your tag is not fully taped to the bag, there is a chance the tag can become misplaced. When this happens, the item that cannot be sold. With a Sharpie, we suggest writing your consignor number, price, and discount on the Ziploc bag, in addition to the your tag. If your tag is torn from the bag, we can refer to the information on the bag, make you a new tag, and return your item to the floor. We do not sell items without tags, so this will ensure that your item is on the floor and available to be sold.
*When packaging your items, appropriate size bags need to be used. The item inside the bag needs to be easy to see and the bag must close comfortably and completely.
*If containing small parts, your bag needs to be secured with tape to keep children from opening the bag and removing the parts. Packing tape is the most secure. NO scotch tape and NO masking tape, as these peel away from the plastic bag very easily. We suggest folding your Ziploc bag over and wrapping the packing tape around the bag. You can tape the zipper part of the bag, but kids are smart and learn quickly how to peel away the tape and open the bag.
*If your Ziploc bag includes accessories that go with another larger item, attach your bag to the item using zip ties. Children are often able to remove bags attached with only packing tape and then bags are separated from their items or they are opened and accessories are lost.
*If your Ziploc bag includes accessories that go with another item, be sure and label your bag with your consignor number and a description of what item the bag belongs with. For example: “accessory bag goes with pink 3 story Barbie house.” If your bag is separated from your item, the description on the bag will help us find the matching item and your consignor number will help us ensure we have located the right item.
*If your item includes a Ziploc bag that contains accessories, be sure and write on the tag that your item consists of a bag of accessories. This will help us know when items are missing accessory bags, as well as, help us match items when they are found.
*Items such as socks, bibs, burp cloths, sheets, and towels may be sold in Ziploc bags. (See “Ziploc Bags” above for instructions on using Ziploc bags.) If your item comes in sizes, only items of the same size should be grouped together in one bag.
*Attach your tag to the hat or belt using a safety pin or a zip tie. To ensure your tag will not be ripped from your item, you will need to reinforce your tag with duct tape. Fold a piece of duct tape over the top middle portion of your tag. (Be sure you don’t cover up the donate mark or the sizing.) Using a hole punch, punch a hole in the duct tape for your safety pin or zip tie. Using the hole, attach your tag to the item with your safety pin or zip tie. The duct tape is super important. Without the duct tape, it is almost guaranteed your tag will come off.
*Blankets – All blankets, other than receiving blankets, need to be on hangers. Fold your blanket neatly and drape it over the bottom portion of th hanger. Attach the blanket to the hanger using safety pins so it does not slip off. Pin the tag to the front right side of the blanket (just as you do clothing items), with your hanger facing left like a question mark.
*Because they are much smaller, we suggest receiving blankets be placed in Ziploc bags. (See “Ziploc Bags” above for instructions on using Ziploc bags.)
*Diaper Bags, Purses, and Backpacks – All bag like items should be on a hanger. If you need to, you can secure the bag to the hanger using a large safety pin or a zip tie. Attach your tag to the item using a safety pin or zip tie. DO NOT tape your tag to the fabric. It is guaranteed to fall off and be lost.
*PLEASE NOTE – It is extremely important that you submit only toys that contain all of the pieces and are in working order. If your item does not contain all of the pieces, that MUST be stated on the tag. All toys that require batteries MUST have working batteries. This allows the shopper to ensure that your items works before leaving the store. Dollar Tree sells batteries for $1.00 per pack. If your toy is purchased by a customer and then reported to us that it did not include all of the pieces (and was not mentioned on the tag) and/or was not in working order, the amount for the toy will be deducted from your check.
*All toys should have the tag attached in a very visible place with clear packing tape, a safety pin, or a zip tie. NO scotch, NO masking, NO duct tape, as these tapes are not secure enough to make it throughout the sale. If you are taping the tag, make sure you tape the ENTIRE tag with CLEAR PACKING TAPE. We are no longer cutting tags, so you can now tape the top AND bottom portion of the tag, making it more secure. The barcode will be scanned, so the barcode needs to be visible. Try to make your tape covering the barcode as smooth as possible. If there is a way to use a safety pin or zip tie, we suggest attaching your tag using one of those over packing tape. They are much more secure and can stand up to kids handling them throughout the sale.
*If you do use a safety pin or zip tie to attach your tag, you will need to reinforce your tag with duct tape. Fold a piece of duct tape over the top middle portion of your tag. (Be sure you don’t cover up the donate mark or the sizing.) Using a hole punch, punch a hole in the duct tape for your zip tie or curling ribbon. Through the hole, using your zip tie or curling ribbon, attach your tag to the item. The duct tape is super important. Without the duct tape, it is almost guaranteed your tag will come off.
*If you choose to attach your tag with tape, and it is not fully taped to the bag, there is a chance the tag can become misplaced, resulting in an item that can no longer be sold. With a Sharpie, we suggest writing your consignor number, price, and discount on a piece of masking tape and placing it somewhere on your item, in addition to the your tag. If your tag is torn from the bag, we can refer to the information on the tape, make you a new tag, and return your item to the floor. We do not sell items without tags, so this will ensure that your item is on the floor and available to be sold.
*If you choose to to attach your tag with tape, be careful where you place the tape. Clear packing tape will tear off any stickers on the item and can make a brand new toy look old and worn. This would be the only time we would allow painter’s tape or masking tape.
*Make sure that the On/Off button is accessible so that the buyer can make sure that the item actually works before purchasing.
*If the toy contains small pieces, they should be placed in a Ziploc bag and attached to the item. Your accessory bag does not require a tag, but with a Sharpie, we ask that you write your consignor number, a description of the item in the bag, and a description of the item the bag belongs to. This will keep us from selling an item without it’s accessories. The bag should then be taped completely closed with packing tape. You need it to be VERY secure. We suggest folding your Ziploc bag over and wrapping the packing tape AROUND the bag. You can tape the zipper part of the bag, but kids are smart and learn quickly how to peel away the tape and open the bag. Finally, attach your bag securely to the toy. Bags can be taped to the item with clear packing tape or you can attach the bag using zip ties. We strongly suggest zip ties. Bags that are not secure to the toy, will eventually be separated from the toy, causing the toy to accidentally be sold without the required parts or causing the toy to be removed from the sales floor due to missing parts.
*If your item includes a bag of pieces or accessories, it is important to note that on your tag. Give a short description of what the accessory bag includes. This will help us know when an item is missing an accessory bag.
IMPORTANT: Clear packing tape is extremely sticky and can tear off stickers on puzzles, games, books, and toys. When securing these items or attaching your tag, you will need to use masking tape or painter’s tape instead of clear packing tape.
*Puzzles – Cardboard or wooden kid puzzles that come in the tray, should be completed (put together), wrapped with Saran wrap to keep the pieces in place, and the ends of the Saran wrap taped with clear packing tape to secure the wrapping. You can wrap more than one puzzle together, if selling in a bundle. The tag should then be taped (be sure and tape the entire tag) with clear packing tape to the Saran wrap on the back of the puzzle. Puzzles that come in boxes should be sealed shut with a small piece of tape on each side of the box. You will need to use masking tape or painter’s tape for this so that the tape does not tear off the sticker or paper on the box. The tag should then be fully taped to the box using masking tape or painter’s tape so that the tape does not tear off the sticker or paper on the box. Because the barcode needs to be visible to scan, you would just tape around all four sides of the tag in its entirety. ALL pieces MUST be included.
*Games – Games that come in boxes should be sealed shut with a small piece of tape on each side of the box. You will need to use masking tape or painter’s tape for this so that the tape does not tear off the sticker or paper on the box. The tag should then be fully taped to the box using masking tape or painter’s tape so that the tape does not tear off the sticker or paper on the box. Because the barcode needs to be visible to scan, you would just tape around all four sides of the tag in its entirety. Games that do not come in boxes but contain several pieces, can be sold in Ziploc bags. Please see instructions for using Ziploc bags above. ALL pieces MUST be included. Be sure to include instructions with your games.
*Books – If you are selling a single book, we suggest that you do that without a Ziploc bag. The tag should be fully taped to the book. You will need to use masking tape or painter’s tape for this so that the tape does not tear off the sticker or paper on the book. Because the barcode needs to be visible to scan, you would just tape around all four sides of the tag in its entirety. Be careful that you do not cover up the title or the summary of the book. If you are selling multiple books, you can sell them in a Ziploc bag. Please see instructions for using Ziploc bags above. If you are selling books in a bundle, be sure and list the titles of each book on your tag.
*All items should be sold in the original case. It is very important to make sure the case includes the correct item and that the item works properly. The item needs to be tested for scratches and/or defects BEFORE you place your item in the sale. Scratched or defective items will be removed from the sales floor. If your item is purchased by a customer and then reported to us that it did not work, the amount for the item will be deducted from your check. The tag should be fully taped to the case using clear packing tape. Try your best not to cover up the title or the summary of the item.
**PLEASE NOTE – It is extremely important that you submit only electronics that contain all of the pieces and are in working order. If your item does not contain all of the pieces, that MUST be stated on the tag. All items that require batteries MUST have working batteries. This allows the shopper to ensure that your item works before leaving the store. Dollar Tree sells batteries for $1.00 per pack. If your item is purchased by a customer and then reported to us that it did not include all of the pieces (and was not mentioned on the tag) and/or was not in working order, the amount for the item will be deducted from your check.
*Tags should be attached in a visible place on the item using clear packing tape. To make sure the tag is secure, fully tape the tag to the item. The barcode will be scanned, so the barcode needs to be visible. Try to make your tape covering the barcode as smooth as possible. If your item has a sticker or paper that can be removed or torn from the clear packing tape, masking tape or painter’s tape can be used. You would tape all four sides of the tag in its entirety. Zip ties can also be used to attach the tag. If using zip ties, first you will need to reinforce your tag with duct tape. Fold a piece of duct tape over the top middle portion of your tag. (Be sure you don’t cover up the donate mark or the sizing.) Using a hole punch, punch a hole in the duct tape for your zip tie. Through the hole, attach your tag to the item with the zip tie. The duct tape is super important. Without the duct tape, your tag could possibly be ripped away from your item.
*The power button must be accessible so that the buyer can make sure the item works before purchasing.
*There are times when tags become missing throughout the sale. If this happens, your item cannot be sold. To avoid this, we suggest using a Sharpie to write your consignor number, price, and discount on a small piece of masking tape and placing it somewhere on your item. This will allow us to make a new tag for your item and return it to the sales floor.
*If the item contains small pieces, like a remote control and/or power cord, they should be placed in a Ziploc bag and sealed with clear packing tape. Your bag does not require a tag; however, on the bag, use a Sharpie to write your consignor number and a description of the item in the bag, as well as, a description of the item the accessory belongs to. This helps us know if any items are missing from the bag and be able to match the bag to it’s item if they were to become separated. The bag should then be attached securely to the item. Bags can be taped to the item with clear packing tape or you can use zip ties. We strongly suggest zip ties, if that is possible. Zip ties are the most secure. Bags that are not secure to the item, could possibly be separated from the item. This can cause the item to accidentally be sold without the required parts or cause the item to be removed from the sales floor due to missing parts. The zipper part of the bag should be taped closed to make sure the items in your bag are VERY secure.
There will be unsupervised, young children trying to get inside the bags and this is how pieces get lost.
*If your item includes a bag of accessories, it is important to note that on your tag. It is extremely important to note accessories like remotes and power cords.
*Items with missing accessories will be removed from the sales floor until those accessories are found. If your item contains things such as a remote or power cord, we suggest writing your consignor number and a short description of what the item belongs to (i.e. computer, TV, XBox 360, etc.) on a piece of masking tape and placing it somewhere on your item. For example, if we have a random power cord, we have no idea what that goes with with. If you write your consignor number and short description, such as computer, TV, XBOX 360 etc., on the tape and wrap around the power cord, we will know what to look for and can confirm the match with your consignor number. It is also important to note on your tag that your item contains a remote, power cord, game, etc.
*If your item is missing pieces, required or not, that MUST be listed on the tag. If the item does not work without the missing pieces, DO NOT SELL THE ITEM.
*If you have an owner’s manual, or can print one from the internet, we suggest you include that with your item.
*All furniture items MUST be CLEAN and in working condition, meaning the rocking chair must rock smoothly, the drawer must open properly, and the cabinet door must close correctly.
*The most secure way to attach a tag to furniture is using a zip tie. This can be done through a handle, rail, iron work, etc. If a zip tie cannot be used, tags can be attached using packing tape, masking tape, or painter’s tape; however, be very careful!! Packing tape is extremely sticky and will tear off the veneer or paint of the furniture. Painter’s tape is usually safe on these items. To avoid these delicate areas, we suggest placing your tag on the back of furniture or underneath a table. If you are using clear packing tape, you can tape the entire tag. If you are using masking tape or painter’s tape, you will tape all four sides of the tag in its entirety.
*If you are selling a fabric item, such as a recliner or couch, pin your tag to the item. DO NOT TAPE YOUR TAG TO FABRIC. It is guaranteed to fall off and become lost.
*If the item contains small pieces (screws, hardware, etc.), they should be placed in a Ziploc bag. The bag should be sealed completely with clear packing tape. Your bag does not require a tag; however, with a Sharpie, we ask that you write on the bag your consignor number, a description of the item in the bag, and a description of the item the bag belongs to. This will help us match the bag with the item if it were to become separated. The bag should then be secured to the item using zip ties or clear packing tape. If zip ties are possible, that is the most secure method. If there are drawers, you may tape the bag inside the drawer.
*If your item contains a bag of accessories (screws, hardware, etc.), this should be noted on the tag. This will help us know when items are missing accessory bags.
*There are times when tags become missing from furniture and the item cannot be sold. To avoid this, we suggest using a Sharpie to write your consignor number, price, and discount on a small piece of masking tape and placing it somewhere on your item. This will allow us to make a new tag for you and return your item to the sales floor.
